Lucerito Mijares launches PROFILES on Instagram and has THOUSANDS of followers who tremble Angela Aguilar! PHOTO

An extraordinary surprise was taken by the followers Lucero-Mijares dynasty after learning that the talented singer Lucerito Mijares, the stars’ daughter, opened her Instagram profile, which immediately gave her something to talk about.

In her profile, the protagonist of soap operas such as “Por ella soy Eva”, “Soy tu dueña” and “Mañana es para siempre” invited more than three million followers to follow the profile of her daughter, who is slowly gaining a special place. in the world of music.

At only 16 years old, Lucerito showed that she inherited the talent and beauty of her talented parents, because in the few presentations she left a great feeling that she will be an extraordinary singer.

Your profile…

After Lucero confirmed that her young daughter opened her profile on Instagram, thousands of followers decided to follow her profile and were shocked when they attended her first post.

In just a few hours, his profile Lucero mijares has over 18,000 followers; in his description he promotes his singers who are available on different music platforms.

It was in the early hours of this Wednesday, February 17, when the singer from “Defeat Love” and “My Universe” uploaded her first image, which immediately went viral.

The young woman shared a photo of her childhood asking you to enjoy the content she is going to share; The publication adds eight thousand “appreciations” and endless comments that highlight his talent and beauty.

