Lorena Herrera confirms that she abused El Muñeco because she deserved it

After Armando González “The Doll”, revealed that in the early years of his marriage to Lorena Herrera, He suffered from mistreatment in turn, “They touched me on two (palms), very at the beginning, yes, Lorena at that moment when I was with her, she was at a time when she was at the highest level of fame, everyone was looking for her and all that ”.

Faced with the controversial statements of “El Muñeco”, the cameras in “Venga la Alegría” were asked to ask if this was true, to which, with the sincerity that characterizes it, Lorena Herrera confirmed.

“Sure, yes! It was worth it … “, he said jokingly.

Lorena Herrera violated

continuously “Not at all, I loved him with all my being and he loved me too. I slapped him once and he was very offended. He stopped talking to me for another month and then I didn’t do it again, I learned my lesson. Neither the man should slap the woman nor the man “, said Lorena Herrera.

In addition, Lorena urged all women not to remain silent and to report whether or not they have been victims of sexual abuse.

“It simply came to our notice then. You have to report. We cannot allow ourselves to give in to certain things because of the power of the producer or the owner of a newspaper or medium. We need to make it clear that we are here for our talent, our work, but not for other things. ”

Finally, he assured that when it happened to him then, he did not report this, a big mistake.

“You have to report. When it happened to me, I did not denounce at that moment, but how well that awareness is taken now “.

Lorena Herrera violated
