Lindsey Graham expresses support for a 9/11-style probe into the siege of the Capitol

Sen. Lindsey Graham (RS.C.), an ardent Trump supporter who voted to acquit the former president during his second impeachment trial, joined lawmakers’ call for a 9/11-style commission during the siege of the United States Capitol on January 6. Fox News Sunday. ”

Why it matters: Momentum has been building since last month for a bipartisan committee to investigate the deadly attack on the Capitol, and is one of the last ways Congress could try to hold Trump accountable for the violence, the New York Times reports. .

What they say: “We need a 9/11 committee to find out what happened and make sure it never happens again, and I want to make sure the Capitol’s footprint can be better defended next time,” said Graham about Fox. He also made it clear on Sunday that he believes the sentencing of Trump by Senate Ministerial Leader Mitch McConnell after his acquittal was a mistake and could haunt Republicans in 2022.

  • Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) told George Stephanopoulos from ABC: “There is even more evidence the American people need and deserve to hear, and a 9/11 commission is one way to make sure we secure the Capitol in the future and expose how responsible and how abjective it is. Violating his constitutional oath was President Trump real. ”
  • House impeachment manager Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-Pa.) called for “a full committee and an impartial committee, not led by politics, but filled with people who would resist the courage of their condemnation, like Dr. Cassidy” on ABC’s “This Week.”

Of interest: Republican Senator Bill Cassidy (R-La.) – who voted to condemn Trump for instigating the January 6 Capitol uprising – expressed support for ‘a full investigation into what happened January 6′ during ABC’s’ This Week ‘ on Sunday.

  • “Why wasn’t there more law enforcement, the National Guard was already mobilized, what was known, who knew, when they knew?” Cassidy said, adding that researching these areas “lays the groundwork so that this never happens again in the future.”
  • Cassidy added that he did not want January 6 to “define the future of the Republican Party.”
