Lilo Vilaplana on the filtering of the movie Plantados: “It was awful”

| 17/03/2021 – 16:56 (GMT-4)

The Cuban director Lilo vilaplana regrets that his latest feature film, PLANTING, was found illegally accessible on the YouTube platform: “It was terrible, a great commercial damage”.

PLANTING, the film that addresses the reality of political prisoners from the 60 years of the Castro dictatorship, had its official premiere last Friday in Miami, but the clandestine version of the film is circulating on some websites.

“We do not know what happened, how it happened. We still don’t know what happened. It was awful. The links are reported and others are included. I don’t know why YouTube hasn’t already taken action, because the complaint was filed. It is an illegal act. It’s like going to a shoe store, picking up a pair of shoes and running away “, Vilaplana cried in the magazine CyberCuba in the morning.

Regarding the reception of the public and the reaction of many to the episode of piracy suffered by the production, Vilaplana added:

“But what I’ve seen is that a lot of good people around the world have expressed interest in watching the movie at the cinema, even after they’ve seen it on YouTube. They approached me and said, “I want to donate 150 tickets to the public.”

The director also took advantage of the space provided by journalist Tania Costa to encourage audiences to visit cinemas and reported that part of the proceeds will go to political prisoners suffering from the Cuban dictatorship.

“If it’s a commercial closing plan, I’m appealing to the same audience that voted at the Miami Film Festival to give us the popularity award, so they can go to the movies to see the film. That they support us. Suddenly, the person who did it (illegal publication on YouTube) was in an act of patriotism, but it caused great damage “.

“I hope that those who have seen the pirated film go to the cinema, buy a ticket and say, ‘Here is my contribution to the cinema.’ 32 percent of the collected profit goes to political prisoners in Cuba and their families, who are black in that dictatorship, “he explained.

Plantados won the Audience Award at the 38th Miami Film Festival on Tuesday

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