Like a queen! Érika Buenfil matures REDES with OTHER image changes; put extensions

Erika Buenfil He did it again; She managed to ignite the nets with her beauty after showing her the latest makeover where she looks like a queen. Known as ?? Regina TikTok ??, reappeared in them networking with a new look just a few days after the hair color changed.

beautiful actress just a few days ago she boasted that she left behind the blonde who characterized her to choose a Ridge In shades of brown, the change was very well received by its huge community of fans Instagram who applauded her decision.

Now, Erika Buenfil showed that he is not afraid of change at all and that now more than ever his security is at its maximum and to show, the spectacular Photo which he posted on his social network where he is seen with long hair with extensions, as well as a make-up that highlights and highlights your features. It became the sensation in networking and the reactions were immediate.

Best time for Regina ?? of the TikTok

Definitely the stage quarantine He put beauty better than ever Erika Buenfil, upon his arrival at tick the actress became the sensation and her followers rose like foam, next to her funny videos and her frequent joint videos, the artist opened a new facet in her vision, where she became more visible than ever and one of the favorites in social networks.

And for the sample, a button, right in Instagram Buenfil already has almost three and a half million FOLLOWERS that every day they are aware of the publications that the celebrity shares with her fans, and more recently she has given a radical change image, which made her more beautiful than ever and confident in herself.

In the postcard she appears with her hair gathered and extensions, in addition to the fact that she is wearing a beautiful black dress with a neckline heart attack, which triggered euphoria his fans in the network: Thank you very much. Another style. Changes, actress, surprises, ?? wrote the new brand actress while his followers reacted with praise to his new one image.
