Liga MX: Speculate with an ultimatum at Vucetich in Chivas and a plan B in Guardianes 2021 Futbol de Estufa

The press specialized in Perla Tapatia is crossed among those who claim that Chivas de Guadalajara they asked for a deadline from their technical director Victor Manuel Vucetich to improve the performance and even the existence of a Plan B to replace it in the same thing Guard1anes 2021 Closing Tournament from Liga MX and others who consider the opposite, so ensure that there is still a lot of trust in the coach on the board of the institution, in order to the fifth day against the León club at the Nou Camp stadium and the rest of this semester.

Panorama from Guadalajara Sports Club That’s what it just started 2021. Guard1anes it seems somewhat complicated because it is barely accumulating two points out of the 12 already played in four dates, so I am currently in the penultimate place of general classification of the championship, something that would have already triggered alarms inside the team, but outside there is a lot of talk about Vucetich’s continuity on the rojiblanco bench and even about the names of possible substitutes after a speculationultimatum“, which has already been excluded by the directive.

Board of Directors of Chivas, according to information provided by journalist Fernando Cevallos, he has already set a deadline for “King Midas” Vucetich to start winning in this competition or at least show a considerable improvement in his performance, because otherwise he would not continue as a strategist of The sacred flock. Falls forward Athletic in San Luis and recently before FC Juárez they touched deeply in the pride of rojiblanco.

When is the deadline for Vucetich in Chivas?

Barra Brava from El Universal

Barra Brava agreed that the ultimatum would be to defeat León or leave (El Universal)

Cevallos, who agreed with the information provided by Barra Brava in the newspaper El Universal, announced that They gave the Mexican coach two more dates to get his first victory in Guard1anes 2021, given that the next day Chivas visits the current champion: León and is budgeted to defeat. However, at the sixth meeting before Necaxa there would be no consideration or pretext and if there is no improvement, the dismissal of Víctor Manuel Vucetich will be announced. At Marca Claro, Nicolás Romay, in turn, recalled that “with the same numbers at this point, Chivas had already eliminated Tena and brought Vucetich“.

The journalist explained in a video that “Víctor Manuel Vucetich does not have an ultimatum as such, but they told him that there are two parts to improving the situation.. When you face León, the situation “win or leave” is not today, but then Necaxa comes and there yes, if Chivas fails to take all three points or fails to show a noticeable improvement in football there could be a change in Chivas’ technical direction“An opinion that was also shared by André Marín in Marca Claro when he questioned Vucetich’s continuity.

Who would replace Vucetich as Chivas technical director?

According to information from Cevallos, there are three candidates that the board of The sacred flock to appoint the next coach of the Guadalajara team, two of them already known in Mexican football and trusted by the sporting director, Ricardo Peláez: Diego Alonso Yes Antonio Mohamed and another, which would have a disadvantage because he did not drive in Mexico, Hernan Crespo. Cevallos stated that “two licensed games so things get better, did not talk to anyone, there are no approaches to anyone, but yes, there are three proposals on the table, two that Ricardo Peláez knows very well, Diego Alonso and Antonio Mohamed. And Hernán Crespo“.

Positions against this speculation were also the order of the day in the Chivas world and several journalists believe that Vucetich, in spite of all, he has all the confidence of both the president Amaury vergara as from his athletic director Ricardo Peláez to rebuild the path and improve performance in this regard 2021. Guard1anes, in which he hopes to return to the Liguilla after his outstanding past performance Guard1anes 2020.

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