Liga MX. Antonio Briseño: Nobody knows Mexican football

Mexico City /

Antonio Briseño, defender of Chivas, recognized the importance of participation Tigers at the Club World Cup, especially since it was installed in the sea Final where he will face a power like his Bayern Munich; However, he regretted that Mexican football is not known around the world.

“It simply came to our notice then. You face the best in the world and we know that UEFA is one of the best in the world. Bayern has won everything and is heading for sextet, so it’s very important to be there.

“As for Mexican football, there is little or no competition, because if it is not the Club World Cup or the World Cup, the Concachampions is not a parameter. Mexican football is not seen all over the world, no one knows us because there is no broadcast. They think it’s bad football and they compare it to China, I’m not telling a lie, although in Mexican football there is a much better level than in South America, “he said. Briseño for TUDN.

But chicken highlighted the triumph he achieved a few days ago Tigers before Palmeiras: “The problem is that we can’t prove (the level) by playing Libertadores or Sudamericana. I heard a lot of discredit that it is possible that a Brazilian team lost against a Mexican, but not only did they lose, but they put a dance on them “, he concluded.
