LG provides futuristic sushi bars with transparent OLEDs

Illustration for the article entitled LGs watching futuristic sushi bars with transparent OLEDs

Image: IG

Even if CES 2021 will be completely virtual this year, that doesn’t stop LG from being an extra plus with its OLED demonstrations. This year, the company did not set up one, not two, but three brilliant demonstrations of its 55-inch transparent OLED screen.

Of the three, the most appropriate demonstration is an elaborate sushi bar configuration. The display works as a physical barrier without contact between the chef and the guest, as well as a means to browse the menu or watch videos. At the same time, it doesn’t completely hide your vision of the chef preparing your meal – which is the coolest thing about eating at a sushi bar. Accordingly, given the impact of the pandemic on the table inside.

The company also intends to demonstrate how the display can be useful in subway cars. Specifically, the replacement of train carriage windows with a transparent display so that riders can view information such as subway maps, weather and news, while taking into account. It’s a cool concept, though it’s probably more suitable for areas with beautiful scenery than New York subway tunnels. LG has demonstrated something similar in Beijing and Shenzhen earlier this year.

LG is also creating a “smart bed” that has its transparent OLED built into a frame that can be placed at the foot of the bed. The idea is that you can press a button and, puof, the display goes out of the frame to “display information or TV content in different screen reports”. This does not Fairly the same meaning as sushi bar or subway sets, but it is for people who want to watch TV or a movie in bed, while watching the rest of the bedroom. Although, from a technical point of view, the frame is portable, so theoretically you can transport it to other rooms where transparency could be more useful. (However, as with Xiaomi transparent TVs, it is not clear who is advertising transparent TVs in their homes.) LG also incorporates something it calls Cinematic Sound OLED (CSO) into the actual frame to eliminate the need for external speakers.

Illustration for the article entitled LGs watching futuristic sushi bars with transparent OLEDs

Image: Victoria Song / Gizmodo

LG is not shy to penetrate the latest display technology – and us has seen its transparent OLED before. It is rather this time, LG is trying to make an argument for how transparent OLEDs can enter everyday life. The thing about transparent displays is that while you expect them to work like. Minority ratio, things like ambient light can make images look washed out. However, LG claims that its transparent OLED does not require backlighting and offers 40% transparency – a step in addition to the 10% transparency that LG says is typical of current transparent LCDs. It’s a cool legal technology, though it is ridiculously expensive to $ 18,750 on the LG website. In any case, LG is at least not the $ 87,000 you should get 65-inch roll-up OLED TV.

It is foolish that we will not have the opportunity to see these demonstrations in person. LG’s CES screens have historic former pretty amazing. The good news is that everyone, including the general public, will be able to view the demonstrations from virtually January 11th.
