Leave the loneliness! Rocío Sánchez Azuara starts with a beautiful boyfriend

After 4 divorces, the driver Rocío Sánchez Azuara He confessed that, after a few years without a partner, he gave himself a chance in love!

“I have someone who interests me, after many years I have someone who interests me because I think he is the ideal person to be my life partnerconfessed.

Rocío commented on that he is slowly moving into his new relationship, “Everything must have a time, a moment … as my holy mother used to say, ‘give yourself a wish and you will smell like a pulley’, then it must go slowly … if I am not delighted and unpacked”.

Rocío Sánchez Azuara, the new piece, the boyfriend leaves alone

About characteristics of his beautiful new, described that, It’s very handsome, and he’s a man … who has nothing to do with the environment, nothing. He is a very serious person, he is a very prepared man, very seriously, who has exactly what I want to be my life partner, is a serious person. What the he does not play games that you like 30 … and 20 … “.

In addition, he gave details and commented that they have very little time, because they met “by chance, suddenly I’ve met and not long ago, about 3 weeks ago.

Rocío Sánchez Azuara spoke about her new partner and the loss of her mother and daughter:

Rocío says that your new partner understands your job so demanding and that hasn’t been a problem so far, “(He understands) a lot, not only does he understand him, but he admires him, so it’s a great thing, because I couldn’t be with a person I don’t admire and obviously respects my spaces,” he showed.

Rocío Sánchez Azuara, the new piece, the boyfriend leaves alone

Finally, the driver He talked about his departure from TV Azteca and said that she is very grateful to them, but that accepted the invitation from Imagen Televisión for you new programCome closer to Rocío ‘, seeks to reinvent itself.

He is also happy because the subject the program is dedicated to his daughter and mother, who unfortunately passed away, but whom he remembers with much love and joy, accepting that they are better now, without suffering on this earthly plane.
