Leah Remini: Sharon Osbourne called co-hosts “Discussions” Offensive Offensive

Actor Leah Remini and others accuse Sharon Osbourne of making racist and homophobic comments about her past co-hosts on “The Talk.”

Journalist Yashar Ali reported on Tuesday that Osbourne has a long history of insulting the race and sexual orientation of former “Talk” co-hosts, such as Julie Chen and Sara Gilbert.

Ali said several sources, including former co-host Remini, said Osbourne was referring to Chen, who is Chinese American “Wonton” and “slanty eyes”, and to Gilbert, who is a lesbian, as a “pussy spoon” and “fish eater.”

Osbourne publicist Howard Bragman denied the allegations in the following statement to Ali:

The only thing worse than a dissatisfied former employee is a dissatisfied former talk show host.

For 11 years, Sharon was kind, collegial and friendly with her hosts, as evidenced by throwing them parties, inviting them home to the UK and too many other gestures of kindness to name them.

Sharon is disappointed, but dissatisfied and hardly surprised by the lies, the reformation of history and the bitterness that comes out at this moment.

She will survive this, as she has always done, and her heart will remain open and good, because she refuses to let others take her down. She thanks her family, friends and fans for staying with her and getting to know her true nature.

Osbourne was attacked this week after defending TV personality Piers Morgan in her show for her comments about Meghan Markle.

Things heated up after co-host Sheryl Underwood, who is black, explained how Morgan’s comments rejecting the Duchess of Sussex’s account of her mental health struggles were limited to racism.

Osbourne later apologized to “anyone of color” whom he offended, adding that “there are very few things that hurt my heart more than racism, so to feel associated with it quickly turned me around.” ! ”

CBS announced on Monday that “The Talk” is taking a short break so that the exchange between Underwood and Osbourne can be investigated.

However, since that original exchange, former co-host Holly Robinson Peete has also accused Osbourne says it’s “too ghetto” for show.

Osbourne dismissed Variety’s allegations, saying, “That’s not in my vocabulary. I don’t talk like that. The only ghetto I know is the Warsaw Ghetto and I think it’s the only time I’ve ever referred to such a thing. ”

Ali mentioned that a January 2011 episode of “The Talk” showed Osbourne using the word “ghetto” to refer to the Reminian accent in Brooklyn.

CBS did not comment to Ali on the allegations against Osbourne, but the network issued a statement to Variety about the hiatus:

CBS is committed to providing a diverse, inclusive and respectful job in all of our productions. We are also very aware of the important concerns expressed and the discussions that are taking place about the events in “The Talk”. This includes a process in which all voices are heard, claims are investigated and appropriate action is taken where necessary. The show will extend its production break until next Tuesday, as we continue to analyze these issues.
