League Of Legends announces four new champions

Riot Games has released some details about what League Of Legends players can expect in 2021. The big ticket is four new champions coming up throughout the year, which will start with the Ruined King himself this month. Along the line, three other new champions will also join the game, although their identities are still a little secret.

Riot says Viego the Ruined King, a jungler champion, is the first in the group to come later this month. They also revealed his skill set and sound, as I assume royalty is usually quite possessive. Viego’s “sovereign domination” ability temporarily controls an enemy champion, whom he helped kill, giving him access to their objects and abilities.

It also has a camouflage black fog that you can see in the bright cinema that Riot released to announce its arrival. You can catch him actually wielding the Ruined King’s Sword in a bit of the video revealed by Riot above.

After Viego, Riot alludes to the other three new champions coming this year, which are part of his story: a magical damage fighter with a kind of sewing theme, an artillery magician and a shooter. They will play the other roles in the league, so no matter how you play, you should have a new champion to try this year.

In terms of updating, they shared a little more about their work to improve Dr. Mundo’s appearance and skills. If you want a word on which champion will be playing next year, you can vote for this in your League client until January 19th. You can vote for Udyr, Shyvana, Nocturne, Skarner or Quinn.

If you are eager to study the king’s kit before entering, you can find details on the Riot website.

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