Laura Zapata explodes, the asylum sends her a healing report from her grandmother

After Laura Zapata denounced that it was supposed that his grandmother Doña Eva Mange 103 years have suffered mistreatedor in asylum Le Grand Senior, located in Huixquilucan, Mexico, the actress in front of the cameras in “Ventaneando” reported the state of the complaint she filed.

“I am waiting for this case to be prosecuted, I press, because we are going to serve two months. The law must be applied and I trust the Prosecutor’s Office, I will go to the last consequences. I will fight until the last moment, for this to be clarified and for everyone to receive what they deserve ”.

In addition, the singer pointed out that the asylum sent her an account for healing made at Mange.

Laura Zapata spoke in front of the cameras

“They dared, they had the courage to send a hundred and thirty thousand pesos banknote for my grandmother’s healings. Those in this asylum of terror had a small face, the audacity to send the bill.

Finally, he revealed that Thalía was watching Doina Eva’s health, she talks to him every day.

“Well, she’s extremely worried, she talks to me in the morning, in the afternoon, at night, I put my grandmother on her, she sees her eating, she talks to her, she’s surprised sometimes how awake my grandmother is and other times she says’ de why not wake up? ”, that’s what I experienced, it’s a roller coaster”.

Laura Zapata spoke in front of the cameras
