Launch of vaccine in Riverside County hampered by ineligible people who sign up for appointments, health officials say

RIVERSIDE, California (KABC) – The line of health workers and those eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine wrapped around the block outside a clinic in Riverside on Wednesday morning. Some people said they had to wait more than an hour and a half.

“What’s the point of having a meeting if we all have to wait in this line,” said a Temecula resident whose mother tried to sign up for an online meeting, only to be told she had been placed on a list. waiting and that you have to register again. later.

“It seems to be a continuous narrative, going from state to state to local government just being poorly equipped and under-prepared to deal with this pandemic,” added Temecula resident.

COVID-19 Latest: US calls on states to vaccinate everyone over 65; do not hold the second dose

Part of the problem, according to public health officials in Riverside County, is that many who actually signed up online were not actually eligible based on their current level.

“As vaccine clinics open, we attract people to those unqualified appointment slots,” said Dr. Geoffrey Leung of Riverside University Health System.

Riverside County is increasing the availability of vaccines, as the state of California has now made anyone over the age of 65 eligible. This afternoon, county health officials announced clinics in places like Corona High School starting Thursday. These facilities will provide vaccines only on a scheduled basis, which should be made on the county’s vaccine distribution site.

But Dr. Leung said partnerships with pharmacies would be needed to make the vaccine more available.

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“We believe that the only way we can vaccinate people in such a short period of time is with everyone’s help and partnership,” Leung said.

Meanwhile, pharmacies say they are ready to help distribute the vaccine on a more widespread basis. Many California pharmacies will receive their first vaccine deliveries on Thursday.

“There is a pharmacy less than 90 kilometers from the Americans,” said Steve Anderson, president of the National Association of Drug Store Chains. Pharmacies have the capacity to meet the demand for 100 million doses of vaccine in just one month.

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