Latest news about coronavirus and vaccine cases

President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that the United States will have a large enough amount of coronavirus vaccines to inoculate every adult in the country by the end of May. Biden declined to estimate when things could return to “normal,” and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that the United States is far from herd immunity, which is when enough people in a community have antibodies against of a certain disease. However, on Tuesday, the governors of Texas and Mississippi announced that they are lifting the mask mandates and allowing companies to reopen at full capacity in their states.

The United States has at least 65,400 new cases of Covid-19 and at least 1,900 virus-related deaths each day, based on a seven-day average calculated by CNBC using data from Johns Hopkins University.

The following data were compiled by Johns Hopkins University:

  • Global cases: over 114.89 million
  • Deaths worldwide: at least 2.55 million
  • Cases in the USA: over 28.72 million
  • American deaths: at least 517,000
