Kuno Becker will be a father for the first time!

Kuno Becker revealed that he is about to become father, since his girlfriend is pregnant. Through his twitter account, the actor released the news that he is happy.

“With great emotion, I want to tell you, so that there are no press lists, that last night I found out I will be a father, wrote.

María Félix’s great-grandson assured in his tweet that he is very happy and still can’t believe that he will be a father for first time. The celebrity did not give details about the months of gestation of his partner, whose identity is unknown.

The actor of the soap opera “Fuego Ardiente” received this news after he said a few days ago on the program “Hoy” that he is not convinced that he will have children because fear of not feeling love for them.

“Yes, the person who doesn’t love their children is so rare that I say, ‘What if I’m the same.’ Would not be irresponsible, I know that, but it would be like “chin, I don’t want this taxi …”He laughed on that occasion.

In addition, Kuno Becker pointed out that he lived a difficult childhood Because of the treatment her parents gave her, she was afraid of repeating the same patterns of parents with their own children.

kuno becker va fi tati

“It simply came to our notice then that not everyone should have children. What happens if that gene for which “I’m good for … children” is inherited? ”.

However, he accepted that at some point he considered the possibility of being a father, although he had not yet found a reason enough to procreate.

“I am 43 years old and yes, I have already thought about it (I have children). Do you know why I was late? Because I haven’t found the really important reason to have a child and the only thing that comes close to it is to know unconditional love, which is a bit selfish. And the second is to try to find something that is more important than anything, something that diminishes the importance of the world.

kuno becker sons dad
