Kindergarten children in the U.S. who act more likely to become heavy online users later, study says

My colleagues and I identified these groups based on data analysis from 10,460 students in the United States, followed over six years. Understanding children who are frequent users of online technologies is important, as such use can replace developmentally appropriate activities, including physical activity, sleep, and independent book reading.
We found that children in kindergarten who were aggressive or often behaved were more likely to use these online technologies several times a day at the end of elementary school, as were children in low-income families. Black children were also more likely to become frequent users of online technologies later.
Boys were more likely to be frequent users of online games, while girls were more likely to be heavy users of social networking and messaging.

Children of parents who emphasized early literacy activities and set limits on TV viewing were less likely to later become frequent users of online technologies.

READ MORE: Games have benefits and dangers – parents can help their children by playing with them

Why does it matter

Increasing use of online technologies by children – such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and other social networking applications; games via Xbox, PlayStation or smartphones; and messaging via WhatsApp, Snapchat or texts – worries parents, educators and health care providers for a good reason.
Frequent use of online technologies can lead to the shift of beneficial developmental activities – think about physical activity, sleep, parent-child interactions, and independent book reading. Children who use online technologies many times a day are more likely to be sedentary, sleep deprived and overweight; to fight academically or behaviorally in school; and self-report a poorer quality of life and mental health. Children’s use of online technologies has greatly increased during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Our study provides new information about which kindergartens in the US are more likely to later become frequent users of online technologies. This new information can help inform public health campaigns for families most at risk. Routines that promote optimal levels of online technology use, physical activity, sleep, reading books, and other activities should help children develop physically, cognitively, academically, and behaviorally.
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What is not yet known

Our study has limitations. Our results can be conservative, as children have self-reported how often they have used online technologies. Data collection ended before the Covid-19 pandemic began.

Our results are not causal. We are not sure why certain groups of children are more likely to later become frequent users of online technologies. However, we have some assumptions. Parents in low-income families can afford more screen time because they handle higher demands on time and resources. Parents of children who behave may use electronic devices to qualify their children’s outbursts. Early experiences with racial discrimination may lead black children to frequently use online technologies to connect with similar peers and to express their racial or ethnic identity.
And it is important to recognize that there is only limited evidence that children’s use of online technology causes harm. Any such harm may be limited to frequent users of specific technologies in certain populations. Further studies and analyzes are needed to examine these relationships. In the future, online technologies could be designed to promote healthy behaviors, including by vulnerable populations.
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What’s next

Identifying at an early stage that young children are more likely to be frequent users of online technologies later could help families prevent problematic use.

For example, other research suggests that girls may be particularly affected by frequent social networks due to increased exposure to cyberbullying and feelings of dissatisfaction with body weight, as well as poor sleep and exercise. Our study found that girls are already more likely to use these technologies a lot by the end of elementary school. Limiting social networks and messages in this early period of development can be particularly important.
Establishing on-screen time routines that help children meet recommended recommendations for physical play, sleep, reading books, and other beneficial developmental activities can help prevent overuse of online technologies. Restricting children’s access during homework, meals and within an hour of bedtime can also help. Families can set rules that limit access to electronic devices. Parents could encourage early literacy activities that will help their children become independent readers.

Educators and health care providers can inform parents about the repeatedly observed negative associations between the frequent use of online technologies and children’s development, as well as support and assist families in establishing screen time routines.

READ MORE: During the Covid pandemic, screen games are still “real” games

Paul L. Morgan is a colleague of Eberly, a professor of education and demography and director of the Penn State Center for Educational Disparities Research.
