Kaká is delighted with Gignac and Mascherano, who was already following the Tigers, is not surprised by their level

Kaka, Javier Mascherano and Julio César, former figures from Milan, BarcelonaA and Inter, recognize the great work of “Tuca” in front of the Tigers

Three stars of world football, Kaká, Javier Mascherano and Julio César, congratulated Tigres for his qualification to the club World Cup final and highlighted the work of Ricardo Ferretti, the helmsman of the feline team.

At a press conference, South Americans who shone at club level in European football and their respective teams commented that cats go against Palm trees it was well deserved.

“He seemed very well trained, with a definite strategy of the way he played. As a Brazilian I would have liked to see Palmeiras with Bayern, but Tigres won with great merit,” said Kaká.

On Gignac, the former AC Milan and Real Madrid player, admitted that he was captivated by the quality that the French striker showed in the international competition.

“André-Pierre Gignac is fundamental in UANL’s Tigres. He sets the pace of the game. From a technical point of view I like it. He leads the team. When to accelerate or when to calm down. He is decisive. It is not easy to shoot penalties. He it is concrete and assists well, “he said.

In turn, Javier Mascherano and Julio César agreed with the former Brazilian footballer about the good work of Ricardo Ferretti, and the “boss” said that he was not surprised by the good level of Tigres when he assured that he followed the feline club in recent years.

“Tigres has been historic, what they have done is very valuable. Bayern has proven to be the best in Europe. It makes us believe we will have a great game. Tigres has proven to be a great team. It surprises us. With a Ferretti has won titles for years and has an excellent level “, indicated Mascherano.

Yes Julio César said: “I was surprised by the way the team behaved, how prepared it was, what its attitude was. As a Brazilian, I would have liked Palmeiras to play for Bayern, but we have to wish him well. Good luck tigers. “
