Justice League. The new trailer reveals Batman’s promise to Superman

Mexico City /

A new movie trailer has been released The Justice Act was cut by Snyder just three days after its premiere in HBO platform and in these new images we can appreciate the promise that Batman makes at Superman’s grave to reunite the heroes who will defend the world from Darkseid’s forces.

It also shows a little more of the world he faced Darkseid on It was the heroes where he was defeated by the green lanterns and of course part of the battles that this film will have, which will be released on March 18.

After several trailers, the project Zack Snyder, which is worth remembering, could not have ended at that time with the death of his daughter. Now, this new edition is known as Snyder’s Cut, where the director’s original goal will be presented.

They will be in the cast again Ben Affleck What the Batman, Gal Gadot What the Wonder Woman, Henry Cavill as Superman and Amy Adams as Lois Lane.

It joins Jason Momoa as Acuaman, Ezra Miller as Flash, Ray Fisher as Cyborg as well as Jeremy Irons as Butler Alfred Pennyworth, while Diane Lane will play Martha Kent and Ray Porter play the bastard Darkseid.

