Justice League: Snyder Cut. What no one told you: expires in 2 days

Mexico City /

If you are new to the world streaming and Snyder’s Cut of Justice League will be the first movie which you see on the platform of your choice, it is important to know this once you play the tape, you will have a maximum time to finish it; otherwise, the movie will be removed from your profile and your rent will be lost.

What you didn’t know about Justice League: Snyder’s Cut

For this exercise we will give as an example that Rent the Justice League through Amazon Prime Video (To know all the platforms that have it, check it out here). After making the payment of 300 pesos, Snyder’s Cut, a movie that lasts 4 hours and 2 minutes and will only be available from March 18 – April 7.

As soon as you start the movie Justice League, running a invisible timer in the Prime Video application with countdown from 48 hours, what is it maximum time you will have to finish watching the movie after you gave it to him Play.

If for some reason you have to pause the projection once you play it again, it will run from where you left off, but if the break you took is longer than two days, sorry to tell you that Justice League: Snyder’s Cut it will disappear from your rental list and you will not be able to complete it, unless you pay 300 pesos again.

How can you see Snyder’s Cut multiple times without paying extra rent?

Don’t say we share this amazon trick, but according to people working in Prime Video customer support, if you want to watch more than once Justice League without having to pay another rent (because you can see it only once in exchange for 300 pesos), you need to follow these steps.

  1. Before the movie ends, click pause.
  2. Manipulate the time bar to the beginning of the movie or the desired part of the scene.
  3. Choose the game and you can enjoy it again at no extra cost.

It is important to do all this before you reach the last second of playback, because once covered all the time, Amazon will detect that you have finished viewing Snyder’s Cut and you will not be able to access it again unless you open your wallet again.

