Jimmy Kimmel names and shames the state that wasted $ 2 million under Trump

Jimmy Kimmel said the unproven coronavirus treatment, pushed last year by then-President Donald Trump – and haunted by right-wing media – is officially a bust. And now a state has $ 2 million in the hole because of it.

But, as Kimmel noted, there were indications that Trump knew there was a bust along with the drug.

“When Trump got the coronavirus, do you know what he didn’t get?” Kimmel asked. “Hydroxychloroquine!”

However, Oklahoma did everything on Trump’s recommendation, spending $ 2 million to store the drug – or as Kimmel put it: “using taxpayer money to show Donald Trump how much it means to them.”

The state is now trying to return the drug. In response, Kimmel mockingly suggested a tourism campaign around her:

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