Jennifer López suffers an accident in the New Year’s presentation, but does not lose her glamor

Jennifer Lopez suffers an accident in the New Year’s presentation, but does not lose her glamor, because he confirms that, despite everything, “the show must continue” and gives a lecture about his impeccable professionalism.

As announced, Jennifer Lopez was one of the guests of honor at an event held in downtown New York and broadcast nationwide in the United States to ring in the New Year. Although other stars such as Miley Cyrus and her great friend Maluma have been invited, JLO he took the night away.

Submission Jennifer Lopez coincided with the launch of her skin care line, for which she included a presentation in her fashionable Cinderella outfit, accompanied by a glittering jacket, thanks to Balmain. Later I saw him recreate a Christmas tree with a glitter mask.

Although initially Jennifer Lopez performed his new theme song “Morning”, There were other great hits of hers, and her outfit evolved from a huge tree, to a bright white suit and finally a tight outfit that revealed her impeccable curves.

bronx diva She was not alone, as her fiancé Alex Rodríguez was with her, cheering her on in the first final, although the audience was small to maintain security. The choristers and musicians from Jennifer Lopez They appeared with face masks, except for her.

Jennifer Lopez’s accident that almost ruined her presentation

The biggest hits of Jennifer Lopez They could not miss and, after a short survey on their social networks, to choose who to sing in addition to their new single, “Dance Again” began to sound, where in the last minutes, JLO he suffered a misfortune.

And it is that among his dance steps, there was one in which he had to slip on the floor, but it seems that something went wrong and Jennifer Lopez It ended up being stamped with one of the cameras that captured the presentation to be broadcast on television.

The moment is seen in the video that Jennifer Lopez He shared it on his YouTube channel and it was so obvious that he even shared it on his social networks talking about the fact that sometimes there were unforeseen events, but that’s not why he will stop.

Jennifer Lopez herself decided to take the moment with humor, because throughout her great career these small details were not missing, but, in the same way, she appreciated the opportunity to say goodbye to 2020 on stage, accompanied of her family and the expectation of what that 2021 will bring for her.
