Jefferson Farfan Erick Osores claims that signing the striker would lose money for Deportivo Municipal Alianza Lima Liga 1 Peruvian team VIDEO

Deportivo Municipal seems to have concluded negotiations to have Jefferson Farfán for the entire season 2021. The Peruvian national team striker would be the best paid player in the local environment and would return to activity after suffering a cartilage cleaning on one of his knees.

This possible signing has caused controversy not only among Lima Alliance fans who wanted to see “Foquita” in their club’s jersey, but also in the same fans of the council team, as some consider the aforementioned footballer to be an unnecessary expense for the popular “Muni” boxes. ”.

One of your most recognized fans Municipal sports is sports journalist Erick Osores. The host of “Fútbol en América” ​​indicated that, despite the entry of real estate buildings into the board of directors, the club should give priority to the correct investment of its money and not spend on bombastic signatures such as Jefferson Farfán.

“Deportivo Municipal is a club that has been financially injured in recent years, it has been abused. I celebrate the arrival of the new directive, but Municipal must be aware and not spend, must invest. And looking for a footballer like Farfán, from those figures, does not put the money in the right place. Municipal must heal his wounds and before Farfán or any big player comes, Municipal what he needs, in the middle, is to have a field. Invest your money well “, he started.

“I would like Farfán to play in Alianza, I think it is his place in the world, and Municipal is not. But, above all, the municipality must take care of its economy and become a competitive club based on the science of investment and not spending. For me, putting money in Jefferson Farfán means wasting money, “he said.

It should be noted that the striker of our Peruvian team will be the highest paid player in League 1, receiving a salary of about $ 50 thousand per month, plus a percentage of what is obtained from the sale of shirts.
