James at Everton 2020-2021: Colombian stands out in qualifiers vs Rotherham, FA Cup, qualification, review | Colombians abroad

James Rodríguez returned to first base after a month, separated by a discomfort that apparently would be in a calf. Little is known about his injuries, little matters the day after a FA Cup qualifier against the modest Rotherham, who seriously threatened a team that sometimes disappointed at Goodison Park.

And there is no talk of injuries because now what matters, in Liverpool and not in Columbia – here the simplest thing is always to criticize him – is to see him recovered and give him some of the magic that has always been needed. , even in those online victories against the prime minister’s clues.

“His passage through Abdoulaye Doucoure, who did not have to break his gallop, opened the visitors’ defense and gave the midfielder an opportunity he did not miss,” Liverpool Echo said of the key assistance he provided against him. Rotherham.

“Another ray of light in this tie is Rodriguez and the hope for better performances than the last ones I endured. Make no mistake, he was nowhere near the levels he showed in his early weeks at Goodison. , but desperately needed minutes on his feet and time on the field to regain a rhythm that was interrupted by an injury that left him out for five games in December.Ancelotti will be very relieved that Rodriguez has started showing flashes of the his best form, showing his influence, that this exhausting tie is advancing “, wrote the specialized press.

The Liverpool daily explains that the speed with which he left the field, a few seconds after celebrating the 2-1 goal against Rotherham, clearly shows that the coach did not intend to keep the whole game, but simply had no remedy. : without Richarlison and Dominic Calvert-Lewin, the only remaining member of the attacking team of the three members of Everton had to stay to see this.

And beware that while for some Everton play better without his number 19, as it seemed after the victories against Chelsea (1-0), Leicester (0-2) and Arsenal (1-0), there will never be a surplus of what he can do with his left foot: “Everton have collected 13 points from a possible 18 last month by playing well, aggressively, engaged and doing the job with the help of the ‘spirit’. For that, they were praised on But against West Ham, they have shown that this approach can only lead you so far – quality is needed … Rodriguez’s return to fitness and fitness will not save Everton from all their sins, but he can help. to bring the team back to a level from the beginning of the season, “Echo said.

The media also highlights the return of Digne, who is saved from all the problems caused by Rotherham because it was more important to celebrate that six weeks ago he was in the operating room, undergoing surgery on his ankle, and it’s already like an oak, although it still needs some recovery.

Sometimes, in fact, it costs more to try to save the good, although it is known that it can be much better. I do it in England, with James, why does it cost so much in your country?

James was rated 6, finally doing his job without staying too long in a game in which Everton disappointed overall. But something good could be saved.

Next Tuesday we will have to face Wolverhampton for the first time and, for the first time since the triumph against Fulham (2-3, in November last year), Everton will have Digne, Richarlison, Calvert-Lewin and Rodríguez, the basis of the premiere of dream. It will be time to ask for different things. For now, it is worth saving the good and celebrating what is possible. The calendar offers few spaces like this, it would be good to learn to enjoy them.
