Jake Angeli, Bison-Clad Man Who Goes Viral in Attack on US Senate, Arrested | News from El Salvador

Several participants in the attack on the Capitol were detained this weekend as congressional Democrats carried out plans to start the trial for a second impeachment of Donald Trump on Monday.

The United States continued this weekend with the arrests of people who stormed the Capitol during the January 6 riots, when the special session in Congress was held to mark the victory of Joe Biden in the 2020 elections.

Jake Angeli was arrested last Saturday, authorities said. Angeli has made headlines in various media after a photo went viral in which he, dressed as a buffalo, sits briefly at the Senate head table and raises his hand in victory with a clenched fist.

The subject, a member of the Qanon conspiracy theory movement who calls himself “ Yellowstone Wolf ” on its YouTube channel, in Florida and Arizona, alleges that there is an alleged child pornography and trafficking network run by Democrats, among other ideas .

Photo social networks

Jake Angeli shouts “Freedom” in the Senate Chamber after the Capitol is stormed. Photo / AFP

One of the first to be arrested on Friday was Richard Barnett, the man who came in during the attack on Congress and took photos in the office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and who was detained in Arkansas.

Also read: Who is Jake Angeli, the character disguised as a bison who temporarily “chaired” the US Senate?

Barnett, has been accused of illegal and violent access to a restricted building, as well as disorderly conduct on Capitol Hill and theft of public property, through the legislature’s post he allegedly took after posing for photographers.

Adam Christian Johnson was also arrested, who could be seen in the pictures with Pelosi’s lectern.


The arrests come at the same time that Pelosi has sent a letter to her colleagues indicating that she would begin the impeachment process if Trump did not resign “immediately”.

Democrats plan to accuse the current president of “instigating an uprising” for his responsibility in the attack on the Capitol.

On Monday, they plan to present their accusation against Trump and vote in plenary to formally accuse him of it midway through next week, but under the US system, the Senate should be responsible for developing the accusation, something unlikely. is.

The proposal was joined by Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, the first Republican senator to call for the outgoing president’s resignation, accused of triggering the attack on the Capitol last Wednesday, which left five dead.

‘I want you to quit your job. I want it out. It has done a lot of damage, ”Murkowski said in an interview with the Anchorage Daily News about the violent attack by Trump supporters on Congress to interrupt a session in which lawmakers would certify Democrat Joe Biden’s election victory.

Also read: STRONG IMAGES: The moment when the police try to stop Trump supporters’ access to the Capitol

The draft drafted by the Democrats calls for their removal and their “disqualification from holding and enjoying any position of honor, trust or advantage among the United States.”

The progressive caucus is confident that this point will help them convince some Senate Republicans who are considering running in the 2024 presidential election and see Trump as a possible rival in that race, Politico newspaper said.

Trump disability

Pelosi has also left open the possibility of pushing through a bill that would create a committee to help decide whether a president is ‘capable’ of governing, but to remove Trump that way would be the green light of Vice President Mike Pence, who for the time being he has refused to act.

The proposal aims to create a new mechanism to comply with the provisions of Amendment 25 to the Constitution, which specifies that the Vice President can replace the President if he declares in writing that that President is “unable” to hold the office .

To do this, the vice president must have a majority cabinet or “ some other kind of body that Congress can legally create, ” something that does not currently exist and that the bill aims to create, although that measure would not have any effect without Pence’s complicity.

Before Twitter permanently shut down his personal account this Friday, Trump announced that he will not be attending Biden’s inauguration, celebrating that decision of the outgoing president.

“This is one of the few things he and I have ever agreed. It’s a good thing, it won’t come ”, Biden assured.
