“It’s a risk to others”

The Vatican has intervened in the heated debate of those who oppose mass vaccination against coronavirus, saying that “rejection can be a risk to others“. He also defended “the moral responsibility of those who provide it.”

The Vatican Commission Covid-19 and the Academy for Life have urged world leaders to make a distribution fair and equitable of vaccines, “which give priority to those who need it most.” In a document, both agencies recently quoted Pope Francis’ Christmas message and called on world leaders to resist the temptation to adhere to “vaccine nationalism” when cooperation is needed.

The church, they pointed out, is becoming in the service of “healing the world,” using “their voices around the globe to speak, support and help ensure that vaccines and care are available to the global family, especially to vulnerable people.”

Both Vatican bodies comment on the “life cycle” of vaccine administration, due to the speed with which it has created effective vaccines in less than a year, when in the past the cycle of creating this fundamental protection against diseases began in its experimental stage of three and up. five years to be launched on the international market.

The problems that arise are very complex, and the Pontifical Academy for Life has ruled out that “there is a morally relevant collaboration between those who use these vaccines and the practice of voluntary abortion.”

Controversy over aborted fetuses

Some vaccines are used clinically at various stages of the experimental process telephone lines of aborted fetuses decades ago, which are used in laboratory testing phases ”.

The Academy for the Life of the Holy See exonerates the use of cells from aborted fetuses and emphasizes that “all clinically recommended vaccines It may be used with a clear awareness that the use of such vaccines does not mean any kind of cooperation with voluntary abortion. “

With regard to vaccine patents, Vatican organizations demand that the vaccine be interpreted as “a good to which everyone has access, without discrimination, in accordance with the principle of universal destination of goods mentioned by Pope Francis. “.

“Investments in medicine must find the deepest meaning in human solidarity.”

The Covid-19 Commission and the Academy of Life support convergence in favor of priorities that “should be reserved for professional categories dedicated to the common interest, especially medical staff, the most vulnerable groups, as well as the elderly and patients with certain pathologies”.

With regard to the moral responsibility to be vaccinated, the Vatican reiterates that the problem involves “a relationship between personal health and public health, showing their close interdependence, in which vaccine rejection it can also be a risk to others ”.

The Holy See advocates a safe and effective vaccine, “available to all and at a price that allows fair distribution.” These are the priorities to ensure a comprehensive treatment “that takes into account and capitalizes on local situations”.

The document concludes that “resources will be developed to assist local churches in preparing initiatives and treatment protocols for specific communities.”

Vatican, correspondent

