It wasn’t given for Christmas because it was nothing

| 26/12/2020 – 14:41 (GMT-4)

Cuban presenter Rashel Díaz, who hosted the television show “Un Nuevo Día” for the Telemundo network for twelve years, recalled the years of his childhood in Cuba and the way the Christmas holidays were lived then.

From his Instagram account, Díaz shared a text, accompanying a photo with his father, where he returned to those times. “When I was little and I lived in Cuba, things weren’t really Christmas presents because, it’s no secret, it was nothing!” She said.

“The usual thing was on Three Kings Day, going to a store, standing in a long queue to look for a toy that the government gave you, they weren’t the best, but as a girl I was always thanks for that “, she admitted.

“The first time a toy amazed me was when I was about 7 or 8 years old, my father sent me a beautiful doll from here (United States), with its pink cheeks, a nipple in its mouth and when he took it out, she he cried, “he said.

“My people, you don’t know how amazing it was for me, I’ve never seen anything like it. After that, I slept with her every day and I loved her for a long time, this was my best gift from my childhood, today I think about that girl and how it is possible for a simple doll to she can make it so happy and I pray to God that there have been many children who have had a beautiful Christmas, where they lack nothing and can be amazed by the best gift of this year, ”he said.

“Your story made me cry, something similar happened to me and in my beloved Venezuela it still happens, children without toys, families without Christmas dinner, estranged families. May God allow my country and yours to see the light of prosperity soon, ”one user commented.

Diaz was fired from Telemundo in August last year. Since 2008 he was one of the founders of the team for the morning show “Un Nuevo Día”. The chain has been making staff available for some time due to the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

However, Diaz said he was losing his job there I would personally take it as an ending cycle and the great beginning of many dreams that you must conquer. Díaz confessed to her followers on social networks that they feel ready to receive everything that was to come in his life.

On her Instagram account she was very active with various posts and this Christmas she also shared pictures with her loved ones.

The Christmas tradition includes giving gifts to children in families. However, it is known that in Cuba toys, in addition to being rare, have exaggerated prices, to the point where even the official press criticized this issue.

Images of a Barbie doll were published earlier this year for almost a hundred dollars in a store in Havana, a cost that is clearly absurd in a country where the current average salary is less than $ 50 a month.

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