It looks like one of the biggest video game crossovers will come to change

SNK vs.  Capcom© SNK

In the ’90s, the notion of working with Capcom and SNK was just as unlikely for Sega and Nintendo to lay down their arms and make friends (would that ever happen, right ?!). So when these two great fighting games announced a series of crossover games at the end of the decade, it caused quite a stir.

we Capcom Vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 on the Dreamcast, next door SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighter’s Clash on Neo Geo Pocket Color. With that, we arrived SNK vs. Capcom: The Millennium Match on the SNK portable device – probably one of the best portable individual fighters he has ever made. This collaboration would also give us Capcom Vs. SNK 2 on Dreamcast (later ported to PS2, GameCube and Xbox) and SNK vs. Capcom Choas on Neo Geo, as well as quite disappointing SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighters DS shortly.

As the name of this sub-series suggests, each game boasted characters from the respective franchises owned by these two Japanese giants. So the Street Fighter cast clashed with the stars of King of Fighters – that sort of thing. Match of the Millennium took things to the next level and even included things like Arthur from Ghosts’ n Goblins in his own mini-game. Interestingly, the Neo Geo Pocket Color title could connect to the Capcom vs. Dreamcast. SNK through a special connecting cable, allowing you to unlock characters by earning points when you play on the move.

According to the South Korean rating council, SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium is heading to Switch. The game was recently evaluated for release in that region – a pretty solid indication that a game is in. This will likely be part of SNK’s current unit to launch several of the most notable Neo Geo Pocket Color titles on the switch; I already had SNK Gals fighters, Samurai Shodown II, The last blade: beyond destiny and First contact Fury Fury.

What makes this new version notable is that it is an indication that SNK and Capcom are willing to work together again. While SNK has developed and published this game, it contains the Capcom IP, so I assume that a new agreement should be signed for this re-release to take place.

We could see other titles from the series Capcom vs. SNK launched on modern platforms? Or maybe the two companies are working on a new crossover launch?

Thanks Greatsong for the tip!
