It does not stop! covid deaths in Honduras reach 3,846

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

The death toll in Honduras from covid-19 rose to 3,486 on Tuesday and to 142,880 infections, according to the state’s daily report. National risk management system (Sinager).

The high incidence of deaths and infections continues to rise in the Central American country, which today recorded 24 new deaths, said the Sinager in a statement.

In addition, out of 3,125 PCR tests processed by the National Virology Laboratory, 896 were positive for the deadly disease.

The health agency added 1,161 hospitalized Hondurans who contracted covid-19 in its records, of which 757 have a stable clinical picture, 360 are serious and 44 in intensive care units.

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According to the official report, 120 new patients have recovered, of which 60,597 are already there.

The covid-19 pandemic began to spread in March 2019, when the first infections were confirmed, closing that month with at least ten people dead.

Given the high incidence of the pandemic between December and January, the multisectoral roundtable on deadly disease does not again rule out tightening measures for the movement of people, said today the general coordinator of the government cabinet, Carlos Madero.

In the multisectoral table, according to the senior official, they discuss how to balance the country’s weak economy and the pandemic, which has ruined many small and medium-sized micro-enterprises.

Madero stressed that the pandemic continues to leave more deaths and infections every day and that if the population does not strictly comply with the recommended sanitary measures, the movement of people would be declining again, which worsens the situation of the country’s productive forces.

Doctors who are leading the pandemic in public hospitals, as well as the authorities from the Ministry of Health, have warned in recent days that hospitals can collapse with so many cases of deadly disease that are registered.

According to official sources, the first doses of covid-19 vaccine, which would be for all health personnel at the forefront of the pandemic, would arrive in March, through the Covax mechanism, promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO).
