It causes envy! Maribel Guardia has been wearing pants for 15 years

The former “Miss Costa Rica” stood out because she is one of the most beautiful figures on the screen, Paza Maribel he defied time, keeping an enviable face and figure even more so after his recent revelation: “I still have pants since I was 15”.

charismatic costa rican she attracts all eyes in every place she steps, but her remarkable beauty does not come only by chance, because the same driver also reveals to her the secrets of eternal youth.

At a young age Paza Maribel She was already conquering some spaces and was in a contest in which today’s actress, singer and businesswoman will discover their great potential.

To this day, with 61 years in the trailer, the “former beauty queen” continues to captivate her fans through screens and on her social networks where she adds more and more followers.

She was the same jovial performer who also shares some tips to her fans to maintain optimal body and physical care.

The curved television figurine shared some of her beauty secrets, accompanied by a few anecdotes from when she was very young and the dreams she was building then.

It’s hard to imagine that at some point in her life, the host of social media and prominent “fitness” came to feel that “she was not pretty.”

At the age of 19, she was denounced by her sister in a contest, Maribel Guardia had no idea why she made her participate.

She was 19, living in Costa Rica and a psychology student who was thinking of marrying her college boyfriend when she was nominated for the Miss Costa Rica beauty pageant. Her older sister, who took over as a mother when Maribel became an orphan at the age of nine, sent her the photo without consulting her.

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“What did you gain, Miss Costa Rica!”

My mother sold a ring and bought me a dress because I didn’t have a cocktail dress. There were about 20 girls and I, I went without any expectations, they did the interviews and the next day my mother woke me up: “What did you win Miss Costa Rica!” Then everything changed, Maribel Guardia remembers in an interview.

Since then, the life of the actress and the host has taken an unexpected turn, after the triumph of the contest came a prize from the Mexican press as “The most photogenic”, something about which she reveals “even she doubted”.

I was never photogenic, I have a very round face, it was like an omelet, she looks laughing.

Today, the mother of José Julián Figueroa, the only son she had with Joan Sebastián, today the grandmother of little José Julián is one of the best preserved stars of the show, however, she did not always consider beauty as a weapon in her favor, she expressed. .

The first time on television was with “El loco” Valdés and Mauricio Garcés. “They didn’t even let her talk,” he said.

My first TV show, which was Night to Night with “El loco” Valdés and Mauricio Garcés, had me as an ornament placed in the middle of the two and did not let me talk, the whole program came out smiling while talking and they were telling jokes, but I was like a vase there, which depressed me a lot … One day I said “I’ll show you that I can talk and I started doing theater”.

He was in the play called “Knights of the Round Table” from 1980, where he began his career in theater with this first staging.

From there, Maribel would have set out to demonstrate her abilities to stand out in the environment, which is why to date she has participated in more than 60 television projects and one of the most recent was the dubbing of the film ” Los Croods 2 “, a children’s tape that he says he hopes to” see at home with his three-year-old nephew “.

Discover your secret to keep your figure good

Throughout the interview, the famous “Best Leading Actress in Mexico” revealed some of her secrets to staying young and statuary, emphasizing that the key to this is “good nutrition.”

You can also read She falls in love with fans, Maribel Guardia with the biggest Christmas dress

“He’s been guided by his pants since he was 15”

One of the things I’ve always tried is to maintain my weight, I’ve never allowed myself to gain more than four pounds, when I see this happening I know I have to stop there, because if you neglect there are then five or seven and after a while it is uncontrollable. I’ve had pants since I was fifteen who still close me and say: this is my reference “,
