Iran warns Trump of any ‘adventure’ in the Middle East

Tehran, Iran

Iran warned Donald Trump on Thursday of the ramifications of any “adventure” before leaving the White House, after the president accused Tehran of being behind an attack on the US embassy in Iraq.

The American President said on Wednesday it would hold “Iran responsible” in the event of one deadly attack on Americans in Iraq, with a few days to go until the year after the death of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in a bombing in the United States Baghdad.

“Our embassy in Baghdad was hit by several missiles on Sunday,” the outgoing president recalled on Twitter, referring to an attack that caused property damage but no injuries. Guess where they come from: IRAN, he added.

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“We are now hearing speculation about new attacks on Americans in Iraq,” he continued, before giving Iran “sound and friendly advice: if they kill an American, I will hold Iran responsible.”

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohamad Javad Zarif responded to Trump on Twitter on Thursday, claiming that he is “using a crappy photo to accuse Iran recklessly”.

Zarif said the outgoing president should “take full responsibility for any adventure”.

Trump ordered a drone strike in January to kill the influential General Soleimani, who commanded Iran’s military strategy in the Middle East, in Baghdad.

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The Iranian military responded by firing missiles at Iraqi bases with US soldiers.

Tension between Washington and Tehran was heightened again a few days before Soleimani’s first death and as it takes a few weeks for Trump to leave the White House in January after pursuing a policy of “maximum pressure” on Iran.
