Investigate whether the Justice Department changed election results in Trump’s favor

Washington, United States.

The Ministry of Justice (DoJ) of U.S started this Monday a research administrative management to determine whether portfolio managers were trying to exert influence “change the resultss of the presidential elections” in favor of Donald Trump.

The Inspector General of the DoJ, Michael Horowitz, announced the investigation after concerned newspaper articles Jeffrey Clark, lawyer in charge of civil affairs for the ministry.

The Washington Post and The New York Times reported this Trump, who denounced no proof have been be subject to fraud, colluded with in early January Clark to try it acting secretary from Justice Jeffrey Rosen, who refused to follow him on his crusade against the election results.

The idea was that Rosen would be replaced by Clark for the DoJ to refuse to confirm the Democrat’s victory Joe Biden in the main state of Georgia.

Trump will not be investigated

The then president is said to have given up for the threat of massive dismissal in the portfolio, the papers added.

The investigation started by Horowitz tries to determine “whether current or past department officials have contracted inappropriate actions “ to get the result of the elections, says a statement.

The investigation will not be extended “to other government officials,” said the inspector general, exclusive of inquiry Trump and his entourage in the White House.

See: US Congress is sending charges against Trump for impeachment

Clark assured in the media that his exchanges with Trump was “within the framework of the law” and that information placed was wrong.

The complaints of Trump Fraud did not convince the courts, but cast doubts on the minds of millions of them supporters, so much so that some launched an attack on the Capitol on January 6, when Congress released the Biden’s victory.

This attack, which left five dead, prompted Democrats to push for a new impeachment against Trump through “incitement to rebellion” and that will take place in February.
