Indonesia will administer the COVID-19 vaccine to adults working before the elderly

Indonesia intends to offer COVID-19 vaccine to working-age adults before older people catch fire in an effort to quickly reach the herd’s immunity.

Indonesia’s health minister has estimated that about 181.5 million people, or 67% of the population, should be fired to reach the herd’s immunity.

The country, which uses China’s Sinovac Biotech vaccine, also says it does not yet have enough data on how the blow affects the elderly, as clinical trials have been conducted in those between the ages of 18 and 59. Indonesia also expects to receive Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines soon.

The country’s approach is very different from the US, which gives priority to health workers and the elderly with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

Dale Fisher, a professor at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at Singapore National University, said he believes both approaches could work.

“Younger working adults are generally more active, more social and travel more, so this strategy should reduce community transmission faster than vaccinating the elderly,” Fisher told Reuters.

Of course, the elderly are more at risk of serious illness and death, so vaccinating them has an alternative justification. I see merit in both strategies. “

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