In the intensive care patient who refused the AstraZeneca vaccine

| 18/04/2021 – 14:19 (GMT-4)

Dutch patient infected with coronavirus fights for his life in the intensive care unit of a Dutch hospital after refusing the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Connected to assisted breathing and with severe lung disease, this patient who refused to be immunized with the British pharmaceutical vaccine for fear of developing blood clotting (thrombi), has become a sad example with which Dutch doctors want to be aware of the need to obtain vaccinated.

“Today [el pasado viernes] The first patient to refuse the AstraZeneca vaccine was admitted to our hospital after all the agitation in the press. We hear the ugly regret in his voice and the despair in his eyes. The virus attacked him and could have been prevented, “health workers warned in an open letter to Health Minister Hugo de Jonge.

Accompanied by an X-ray of the patient’s lungs, the critical letter regarding the cessation of Janssen use and the age limits imposed on the use of AstraZeneca. “With your permission, we share your lung scan. You don’t have to be a lung specialist to recognize the devastation or an epidemiologist to explain the risks of not being vaccinated, “the letter calls for the use of all available vaccines.

The Netherlands has stored 80,000 doses of Janssen pending a scientific recommendation from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on the safety and possible relationship to six cases of unusual blood clotting in the United States, the only country that has already used this single dose vaccine, as published Vanguard.

After the EMA issued an alert about a “possible link” of AstraZeneca with dozens of cases of very rare thromboembolism in people receiving the injection, the Netherlands decided to immunize only people over 60 with this vaccine. .

Despite the fact that case studies indicate a lower risk of developing thrombi in people over 60 vaccinated with AstraZeneca, the debate that triggered the EMA alert – and the impact it had on the media – has diminished the confidence of the Dutch. According to a survey, 42% of those over 60 who have not been vaccinated in the Netherlands have refused to receive the vaccine.

“The risk of serious injury caused by COVID-19 is ten times higher for people over 40 and 70 times higher for those over 60 than the risk of serious injury from thrombosis [provocada por la vacuna]”, the signatories of the letter reported, the employees of Zuyderland Medical Center concerned about the figures of the third wave they are suffering.

“So far, we have treated over 3,000 coronavirus patients, and while (you) are discussing with experts about the reopening of society to provide perspective, we still see the extraordinary consequences of this disease on a daily basis,” complained these health workers in letter. addressed to the Minister.

“The figures show that the benefits of mass vaccination are overwhelming and I’m not lying … Employees [del hospital] legitimately wonders why they should continue to provide care without adequate protection, while vaccines are waiting in the fridge, ”said these doctors, who are asking the minister not to delay vaccination and raise awareness about its benefits to the population. .

“Let people choose if they want to avoid a situation like our patient’s,” Dutch doctors suggested, advocating “voluntary vaccination with informed consent” and the provision of all existing certified vaccines, whether “AstraZeneca, Janssen or any other vaccine.”

Tired of seeing that the epidemiological situation is not evolving favorably, doctors ended their letter by threatening to use the doses of AstraZeneca they have in refrigerators to vaccinate hospital employees and doctors.

As of Monday, with the permission of the authorities or not, these doctors said they were willing to achieve their goals and warned that they would no longer “voluntarily and consciously cooperate with avoidable harm” through vaccination.
