In Mexico, dubbed movies are banned; only with subtitles

Mexico City /

My dear readers … Either we learn English or we become experts in reading subtitles, because In Mexico, a law came into force on March 22, banning the screening of films dubbed in Spanish in cinemas., all as part of an “inclusion measure” for those who have hearing impairment, which, according to the Technological Observatory, is almost 2.4 million people.

New law: No dubbed movies

The new regulation provides that In Mexico, only films can be broadcast in their original language with Spanish subtitles., which was stipulated in Article 8 of the Federal Law on Cinematography, changes that were reflected in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

It was February 16 when The Chamber of Deputies approved the reforms with 443 votes in favor and one abstention, which was celebrated by the chairman of the commission of culture and cinema, Sergio Mayer, who stated that these changes represent a progress in the enjoyment of human and cultural rights for all Mexicans.

It’s about breaking down barriers which prevents people with disabilities, in this case hearing, from fully enjoying the various artistic and cultural expressions, such as cinema, “he said.

Animated movies will have dubbing

In all these changes, the only thing that leaves us alone is that animated films can be dubbed into Spanish -as an educational documentary-, but it must also have subtitles. Fortunately, this guarantees that we will continue to listen to the voices that have marked our lives, although there is no doubt that their field of work will be drastically reduced.

