In Cuba there are people who are dedicated to making your life impossible

| 28/12/2020 – 19:08 (GMT-4)

Cuban guitarist, songwriter and singer Pedro Luis Ferrer reflected on Facebook about the significance of dissent in Cuba, where it comes from and how the authorities treat it.

Ferrer, who held an opposition position against arbitrariness and abuse by the island authorities, referred to what a person goes through when faced with power plans, even if it violates basic human rights. He also questioned the inefficiency of traditional channels of citizen complaints and, at the same time, the legal impotence of a Cuban:

“From my own experience, I know that in Cuba there are people who are dedicated to making your life impossible. It’s like a sport. So when you shout and denounce (in a circumstance where national channels that receive complaints from citizens are ineffective), they pretend to use your denouncing cry to justify their mistreatment: – “Have you seen? – They say satisfied-. “He is proven to be a dissident,” the artist said.

He added that the protest was banned per se. Not only does the repressive apparatus attack this right, but the individual is limited to exercising it, finding that every Cuban acquired, where dissent has been demonized, feared, condemned:

Yes, because the act of protest is considered a service to the “enemy” (revolutionaries must endure the Stoic in silence). And are there “friends” who give reasons for protest? This is how the dissident factory works, an unstoppable vicious cycle.

author The afternoon became sad He closed his publication with a joke about “mercenaryism in the service of the CIA” that the official speech uses against dissidents in Cuba and with a few tenths that he called El Grito:

“The Scream

Sharp flowers
They call her “condotiera”:
They say they charge at the border
the opponent’s currency.

And his cry is soothing
with Sanzón’s anger.
The people in your lineage
counted in Equixtán,
who screams because I give them
with a hub on the nipple.

-How not to scream
if you cause me regret?
For Juanito the Protestant
I call him a mercenary:
He is said to receive a salary
for its constant noise.

And the cry is abundant
as the core of the erebos.
Nymphs and young people
exhibited in Equixtán,
who screams because I give them
with a hammer in the eggs.

-How not to scream
if you cause me regret?
Is the silence silent?
If I don’t scream, I’m dead “

Ferrer raised his voice in March last year to demand the release of Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, who has been detained for alleged crimes. On that occasion, he expressed:

“If he had condemned someone, I would not have done it; but when it comes to the release of an artist, I’m not afraid to be wrong and here I leave my public column.

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