Immigrants demonstrate in front of Kamala Harris’s house asking for help

A group of about 50 immigrants, including parents with their children, went to the residence of United States Vice President Kamala Harris this Wednesday to ask her to intercede for the rights of undocumented migrants and those who strive to migrate. this country.

Until the cry of “Kamala, listen, we are in battle”the protesters called for an end to deportations and detention of underage immigrants, and guarantee legal status or nationality to millions of undocumented migrants and for employees who are considered essential.

“Please stop the deportations, get a work permit, a citizenship, something like that, because we’re in this country and I don’t think we’re hurting anyone, but we’re getting to work and getting ahead for our kids,” he asked. Verónica Gasca to the Vice President, to whom the US President, Joe Biden, has entrusted the mission of stopping irregular migration from Central America.

Gasca, 28, came to the US at the age of 11 to reunite with his father, but when he arrived, he discovered he had been deported to his native Mexico.

Accompanied by her two US-born daughters, she couldn’t hold back tears as she remembered not seeing her father in 15 years. In addition, she was moved by the possibility that she herself would be expelled from the country.

“I may go out tomorrow and they arrest or deport me, and who are they staying with?” He wondered.

Because, Biden asked for immigration reform and that makes it possible to reunite detained migrant children with their families.

Another of those attending the rally was Nelson Vega, a 33-year-old Nicaraguan who entered the United States a month ago after waiting a year and a half in Mexico.

Vega had to stay in Mexico due to the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) program, established by the Donald Trump Administration (2017-2021), which forced asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their reception request was processed in the US.

This immigrant attended the rally to ask that anyone affected by the MPP program be allowed to wait in the US, which the Biden administration began dismantling from day one in the White House.

“I am not alone, I know this is a difficult process, many people are suffering as I suffered in Mexico,” said Vega, determined to defend those who are still waiting in the neighboring country.
