“I realized until I saw the photo”: Young man who played Vicente Fernández | THE IMPARTIAL

MEXICO CITY.- Vicente Fernández aroused the anger of the internet after a video was released in which he appears with the finger of a young fan while they are posing to take a photo.

The same user Tik Tok who posted the video of this unfortunate incident spoke again after seeing comments from internet users who accused her of wanting to take advantage of the singer’s fame, in addition to saying that he liked that she was sexually harassed. of him, he did not react immediately.

For this reason, the young woman reappeared on social networks and explained the details of what happened, starting with what happened in 2017, when she and her family visited the farm “Los Tres Potrillos”.

This photo was taken in 2017. The reason my expression looks so calm is not because I liked it, but rather because I didn’t realize that her hand was there when I saw the photos with my mother. ” , said the internet user in English.

She explained that because she was wearing a padded bra, she did not feel the artist’s touch and did not realize it until she saw the photos and understood that she was the victim of harassment.

“I wore a padded bra and it’s very hard to feel anything, especially since it was on the bottom. I didn’t realize it until I saw the photo, I got bigger, I felt super violated, angry with the man “, she clarified.

The young woman regretted that “Charro de Huentitán” appears on social networks and that almost no one criticizes the fact that he groped her in this way.

“Everyone is defending him. I handle my traumas with humor and sarcasm, everyone has their own defense mechanisms, but they make it feel like it’s not that bad, but that’s why I publish it, “he said.

“I don’t care if it’s Vicente Fernández, he shouldn’t have touched my body without my permission, especially in that area. I am sure that many women have experienced the same thing “, he condemned.

So far, neither Vicente nor any other member of the Fernández family has said so.

On this note
