I do not appreciate the hostility of my colleagues

DEAR HARRIETTA: I suffer from extreme allergies all year round and work in a factory. When I go into one of my sneezing or coughing spells, I feel my co-workers crushing.

Harriette Cole

I see. Coughing and sneezing spread germs and no one wants to catch COVID-19. But we all take COVID tests once a week. I have never tested positive. I have allergies.

Trust me – it’s not easy to have them and wear a mask, which just makes it harder to breathe. But I wear it anyway, just like everyone else. How can I make my colleagues stop looking at me? It’s pretty hard to be there when I’m not feeling well. I don’t appreciate hostility.

Stop Glaring

ESTIMATED STOP GLARING: Make a sign to wear, saying, “I HAVE ALLERGIES, I DO NOT COVIDE.” Seriously, if allowed, you may want to do this. It tells people that you are not a source of germs to worry about.

I can only imagine how challenging it is to deal with everyday looks. Continue to take allergy medications. Take the vaccine whenever it comes to you – with the approval of your doctor, because you have allergies – and wear a sign if your supervisor allows it. It can reduce hostility.

DEAR HARRIETTA: I want to be better at keeping in touch with people.

I used to pass by and visit people in the days before COVID-19. These included people from my hometown when I went home to visit during the holidays and people from my neighborhood or from previous jobs whenever I had periods of downtime. I’m home all the time now. When people come to mind, I realize it’s been a long time since I’ve caught up.
