I am sorry? Laura Flores grieved over her daughter because BULLYING posted in a men’s magazine | PHOTO

Some actresses and models, with the desire to have more relevance and experience, in their beginnings, may fall into hasty decisions that they may regret later, this is the case of the actress, Laura Flores who, when he was very young, decided to pose in the publication of an important men’s magazine and had no idea what purpose they would have in his future.

Past actions usually prove to be teachings for people; however, on some occasions they could cause problems as they could indirectly affect their family and children. which is why the actress had a “small” calamity in this regard, since the cover of the magazine spread

He explained that his daughter, María, was harassed after her schoolmates found out that the actress appeared in a popular men’s magazine in the early 1990s, however, although it was a purely professional matter for the actress and model. , teasing and criticism for her daughter did not stop for some time.

No nude

In a capsule designed in the Ventaneando program, the singer also explained that, although this project was done almost three decades ago, it was necessary to apologize to her daughter, for a situation that neither of them knew to do so, although he admits that she took it with great maturity and an open mind, which he appreciates, however apologies were necessary.

He explained that he was very young at the time and, although he appeared without clothes, nothing can be seen because the photos were well taken care of. However, she still did not know her little girl’s father and had not even planned it at the time, it was all about adding modeling experience.

What was your daughter’s reaction?

It should be noted that her daughter’s reaction, 20 years after publication and when she was in high school, took her very seriously, because she did not feel upset or offended. All he felt was a little embarrassed.

Although the images were very well taken care of, it was not enough to prevent her daughter from being harassed. Photo: Special

