Hugo Morejón Gómez, trombonist at Los Van Van, has died

| 20/03/2021 – 8:12 (GMT-4)

Cuban musician Hugo Antonio Morejón Gómez, trombonist of the popular Los Van Van orchestra, died in Havana on Saturday, at the age of 64, due to a heart attack.

The news was announced on the “Formell y Los Van Van” wall on Facebook.

“And with this concluding agreement, we say goodbye to our great Hugo, an excellent musician, friend and family member, today we are in Mourning and we are sure that you will continue to be the star who will now take care of the orchestra and those dear ones from heaven. We love you. Always “, was the comment of the post.

Morejón has been in Los Van Van since 1984, after going through other popular music groups such as Pacho Alonso and Adalberto Álvarez and the rock group Los Dada.

Born on April 20, 1956 in the Cuban capital, he was also a keyboardist and arranger.

According to the Facebook account of “The Best Salseros in the World”, he was “an important creative force in the music of Los Van Van”, the creator of “many of the wonderful horn mambos that represent much of the sound of” El Train ”.

“He is also a powerful keyboard player and has played many memorable synth solos for Los Van Van,” the report said.

At the age of seven, Morejón Gómez moved to Matanzas, where he received classes from Rafael Somavilla. In 1970 he returned to Havana to study at the National School of Art (ENA). He trained there for six years until he began his professional life.

On social media, friends and followers expressed their grief over his sudden death and condolences to his family, especially the widow, Eloisa María Lipuzcua Verdecia.

Lately, Los Van Van have suffered losses of people closely associated with the orchestra.

Last February “El Teniente” died, which has been useful for more than forty years of the group.

In January 2020, he died at the age of 82 flutist Orlando Cantó, one of its founders.

Named by singer Pedrito Calvo as “El viejo espigón” and “Flauta mayor”, Cantó was part of the group from its inception in 1969 until 1995.

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