How to watch Oprah Winfrey’s interview with Prince Harry and Meghan

Oprah Winfrey will interview Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, on CBS on Sunday night in their first interview since they stopped their royal duties and when they announced that he is pregnant with the second child. In a preview of CBS’s “Oprah with Meghan and Harry: A First-Time Special” Meghan accused the British royal family to actively encourage lies about her.

Asked by Oprah how she feels at the palace when she hears about life in the royal balloon, Meghan replied: “I don’t know how one would expect us to be silent after all this time if there is an active role that” The Firm ”plays it in perpetuating the fakes about us. “” The firm “is a common nickname for the royal family.

How to watch Oprah’s interview with Prince Harry and Meghan

Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, were seen with Oprah Winfrey in a future CBS interview.

Harpo Productions / Joe Pugliese

CBS News confirmed the allegations first reported on Wednesday by The Times of London afterwards Meghan married Harry in 2018 and moved into the royal household, unnamed staff members accused her of “emotional cruelty and manipulation”, forcing two assistants to give up.

In a rare move, Buckingham Palace issued a public response, saying on Wednesday it was “clearly very concerned about the allegations in The Times” and that its human resources team “will analyze the circumstances presented in the article”.

“You could probably describe that relationship just now, between the two sides, as a full-scale war,” Royal Sunday Times correspondent Roya Nikkhah told CBS News. The couple’s interview with Oprah was recorded two weeks ago, before the allegations became public.

In another preview of the interview, Harry said that “his biggest concern was repeated history”, an apparent reference to his late mother, Diana, Princess of Wales. Her parents divorced in 1996, after a long public breakup. She died a year later in a car accident after being chased by paparazzi. Harry was 12 when he died.

“You know, for me, I’m very relieved and happy to be here, talking to you, to my wife next to me,” Harry said. “Because I can’t imagine what her life must have been like, going through this process alone, all those years ago. Because it was incredibly tough for the two of us – but at least we had each other. ”

Harry said James Corden In February, he considered the British press “toxic”.

“We all know what the British press can be like and it was destroying my mental health … I was saying, ‘This is toxic,'” Prince Corden said in a CBS interview with The Late Late Show. . “So I did what any husband and any father would do – it was like, ‘I have to get my family out of here.’

Harry and Meghan’s interview comes when his 99-year-old grandfather, Prince Philip, has been hospitalized for more than two weeks. On Thursday, Buckingham Palace said yes successfully operated for a pre-existing heart condition.
