How to use a pumice stone to exfoliate the skin, according to dermatologists

It is almost impossible for our skin to do that natural they shine 365 days a year. From time to time, we have to take matters into our own hands, and the perfect tool for this is an old but good one: the pumice stone.

According to dermatologists, the natural exfoliating product, which can be purchased for less than $ 15 and dates back to 100 BC, is easy to use and will turn your feet from dry and callus to silky and smooth.

Pumice not only easily removes that excess dead, flaky skin you fear, but is gentle enough to use daily if you’re careful enough, says board-certified dermatologist Caroline A. Chang, MD, founder of the Institute of Pediatrics. Rhode Island Dermatology and member of the Preventive Medical Examination Committee.

What exactly is a pumice stone?

Consisting of a combination of water and lava, pumice stone is a natural product best known for removing rough spots on the feet, elbows and hands, allowing the appearance of softer skin. “When you wash / water [combination] it cools, hardens and results in a light stone with a porous texture, ”says Ana Cristina Laureano, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Scherl Dermatology in New Jersey. The texture of the stone offers a light to medium exfoliation.

100% natural pumice stone

You can find pumice stones in different sizes and shapes, sometimes attached to the handles, which makes it even easier to use. This is especially true when it comes to feet, which can be prone to dryness, flakes and calluses caused by excessive wear, says Tanya Kormeili, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Santa Monica, California.

Both Dr. Chang and Dr. Laureano recommend pumice stone to their patients. “The advantages of using a pumice stone [are] that you can easily but effectively remove dead skin and scalp to reveal softer skin, ”says Dr. Chang. But while it is generally safe, it is important to know when and how to use it properly, as any exfoliating product has the potential to damage the skin.

Are there any negative side effects of using a pumice stone?

In general, dermatologists warn against being too aggressive when using a pumice stone, especially on certain parts of the body.

“It is best to use a pumice stone in areas with thicker skin, such as the knees, elbows and feet,” says Dr. Laureano. “The feet are the safest area to stick to if you have very sensitive skin on your body. I would avoid using it on thinner skin, such as the face, because this skin is more susceptible to micro-abrasions and tears. Too much irritation on a thin area of ​​skin can lead to inflammation, which can lead to scarring and / or changes in pigmentation. ”

She also advises you not to use pumice stone if you have diabetes, low blood circulation or take blood thinners. “These patients have an increased risk of bleeding and foot infections,” she says, adding that patients with nerve damage or infections should not use pumice stone unless explicitly approved by their doctor.

In other words, when used incorrectly, pumice stone can easily cause bleeding, tears and crusts. So it is crucial to first determine if you need to be authorized by a doctor before use. If you get OK, don’t forget to be gentle, take your time, avoid using it on broken skin and limit its use to once a day. It is also never a good idea to share your pumice stone with another person, as bacteria can remain in the stone and be transferred from person to person.

foot care tool a pumice stone for washing, removing callus from the foot, isolated on a light blue background

AlexWang_AUGetty Images

How to use a pumice stone in the correct way

Almost everyone experiences natural skin changes throughout the year. The cold, dry air in the winter months tends to make the skin almost ten times drier; In summer, our feet are exposed to the elements, which makes them more vulnerable. To gently exfoliate, grab a pumice stone and follow these four steps:

✔️ Step 1

Before you start, you need to soak your skin and stone (separately) in warm water for five to ten minutes. Dr. Laureano says that this will facilitate the process by weakening the skin with dead callus. It will also soften the texture of the stone, which will make it feel less rough.

✔️ Step 2

Once the skin and the stone have both been soaked in warm water, you can then begin to exfoliate by gently rubbing the stone on the area in a circular motion. While performing this step for two to three minutes, you will most likely see dead skin falling off. From time to time, you should stop and rinse the area and the stone to track how much skin you exfoliate.

✔️ Step 3

After exfoliating for a few minutes, check the softness of the skin by hand. If it still feels dry or rough, continue to use the stone in a circular motion on the area for another minute or two. Once your skin feels smooth, you’re done! Do not continue to use pumice stone in a single session after you have reached this point, as it is possible to overdo it, which can cause skin irritation or even bleeding and scarring.

✔️ Step 4

When you have finished using the pumice stone, you should finish by rinsing the rock and the treated area in warm water. “Pumice stones are very porous and, after use, can accumulate dead skin cells [its] pores. Thus, it is important to wash and rinse your stone after using it “, explains Dr. Laureano.

Then apply your favorite body lotion or foot cream to block the smoothness longer. It is also generally safe to repeat the whole process daily if you feel that your skin needs it.

Bottom line: pumice stone is a tool approved by dermatologists to exfoliate dry and calloused skin.

It is not only affordable, but it is also reusable and can give you a smoother skin when used properly. “The abrasive nature of pumice has stood the test of time,” says Dr. Laureano. “It’s a natural exfoliant that, if used properly, can be very beneficial.”

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