How to talk to believers in COVID-19 conspiracy theories

Psychology experts offer more suggestions to talk to friends and family who believe conspiracy theories about COVID-19

Conspiracy theories about COVID-19 cause real-world problems, discouraging some people from getting vaccinated, wearing masks, or following other guidelines. Some bizarre theories about the virus have led believers to burn 5G cell towers, close vaccination clinics or even ingest sustained poisons as remedies.

The misinformation and psychology experts interviewed by The Associated Press offer more advice for people wondering how to talk to friends or family who believe conspiracy theories about COVID-19. Here’s what it suggests:

LISTEN, DO NOT PREACH: Believers in conspiracy theories will not be influenced by people who make fun of their opinions. Instead of taking classes, listen and ask questions about how they became interested in conspiracy theory, where they got their information from, and whether they considered other explanations. Whenever possible, have the conversation offline.

CHANGE THE SUBJECT: Bring common experiences and interests to help the person focus on personal connections. If someone is thinking about conspiracy theory, say politely that you prefer to talk about something else.


As for growing their own defenses against conspiracy theories and misinformation about the virus (or any other subject), experts suggest the following:

EXPAND YOUR ENVIRONMENTAL DIET: Checking a variety of news sources – including a few local, national, and international hotspots – is the best way to stay informed and avoid misinformation and rabbit holes. Don’t just rely on social media for your news.

CHECK SOURCES: Look to see who wrote the content and who is quoted in it. Are they named? Do they have a position or experience that lends credibility to their claims? Are there other points of view expressed in the article? Beware of statements made by “insiders”, anonymous posters on the internet or anyone who quotes heard. Also check the data: misinformation peddlers often post old photos or news and claim to be new.

Be wary of content that plays on emotions: misinformation and conspiracy theories often exploit anger, fear, or other emotions. Watch out for content that has strong emotional language or seems to infuriate you. If you read something that triggers you, wait until your emotions have cooled before refueling or sending to friends.

CHECK EXTRAORDINARY COMPLAINTS: If you read something that makes an incredible statement – one that seems too good, too awful, or too strange to be true – check to see it elsewhere. If it is an important story, other contact points will confirm the details. Beware of explosive claims if they are made on only one website or by a social media user.

GET OFFLINE: The pandemic was a time of increased stress and fear for everyone and there are many legitimate questions about the virus. Experts say that healthy habits such as exercise, meditation, positive relationships, volunteering and even hobbies can alleviate some of the fears – and make us more resistant to misinformation and conspiracy theories that exploit our fear or anger.
