How effective is Sinovac Shot? Covid vaccine data unclear

China International Trade Fair for Trade in Services 2020

Photographer: Lintao Zhang / Getty Images

A few days before the launch of a global launch, receiving the President of Indonesia Sinovac Biotech Ltd. vaccine on live television, the uncertainty revolves around the effectiveness of the top Chinese shooting, for which four different protection numbers have been released in recent weeks.

Indonesia, which is the fastest to distribute Sinovac photography to its population, said a local study showed a 65% effectiveness against Covid-19. But only 1,620 people in Indonesia took part in the process – too small for significant data.

Turkey said last month that the same vaccine had shown 91.25% efficacy in its local study, which was similarly too small to draw a sufficient conclusion.

In Brazil, where the largest Sinovac trial with more than 13,000 people takes place, the effectiveness rates of the duels have been published. The company’s local process partner, Butantan Institute, said last week that the vaccine was 78% effective in preventing mild cases of Covid-19 and 100% effective against severe and moderate infections.

However, a local news site reported this week that the “true” effectiveness rate was between 50% -60%, citing unnamed sources. The Butantan Institute said it was “speculative” and would publish additional data on Tuesday.

Overlapping efficacy data are unprecedented in the Covid-19 vaccine race – AstraZeneca Plc launched two separate protection rates last month based on different dosing regimes – and all findings are above the 50% effectiveness threshold required by regulators for approval.

China is fighting to make the world trust its vaccines
