Horacio Pancheri talks about the duel he is living after breaking up with Marimar Vega

Reluctant to give more details about his love life, the Argentine said: “With the best wave I was very clear: I am not going to talk about my separation, it is already more than clear, I also separated the problems they are mine with María … I explained, Gala has nothing to do with this … I just mentioned that Gala should stay calm so that she doesn’t invent her and, as María confirmed, I reconfirmed it and ready ”.

However, as the minutes passed, the actor relaxed with the press and revealed that he is not in the best of moods yet. “I share beauty, evil remains for us. Do the duel and that’s it ”.

Marimar Vega and Horacio Pancheri
Marimar Vega and Horacio Pancheri

He also confessed that his thunder with Zuria Vega’s sister was friendly and rejected the comments on the social networks with the news.

“We have finished in peace, we wish each other well and follow each other’s lives. People can say what they want, everyone who takes part for whoever they want, who speaks, who says, I’m used to it […] My network is open, let anyone who wants to comment comment, “he stressed.
