Hong Kong’s first increase in trading fees since 1993 Pummels Stocks

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange as an LSE of the Bourse was hit by another retrograde

Photographer: Paul Yeung / Bloomberg

Hong Kong unveiled the first stamp duty increase on equity transactions since 1993, causing a wide market sale of $ 7.6 trillion and sending shares of the city’s stock exchanges to the largest dip in five years.

The planned increase in the transaction fee to 0.13% from 0.10% was part of a series of new measures announced in the Hong Kong budget, which included increased spending to help residents withstand the pandemic. Even though the city’s economy has declined in the last year, stock prices and Fiscal value they grew amid a global market boom.

Hong Kong’s Hang Seng benchmark sank 2.6% local time to 13:41, driven by a 7.8% drop in Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. on Wednesday.

“The impact will be significant,” Kingston Lin, general manager of Hong Kong’s Canfield Securities asset management department, said before the announcement. “The market is doing very well and, of course, will bring more revenue to the government. But higher transaction costs will be a concern for exchange. ”

The Hong Kong exchange operator has been sinking the most since 2015

The government has announced spending measures of more than US $ 120 billion ($ 15.5 billion) to alleviate economic hardship for the city’s residents.
