Honduran doctors require protective equipment and vaccines against covid-19 with a sit-in


Doctors from Honduras They organized on Saturday in several cities of the country to demand that all health workers urgently receive personal protective equipment to avoid the contagion of Covid-19, which took the lives of over a hundred professionals and access to the vaccine.

In the country “everything was a fiasco, here there were no drugs, fans, we do not know what were made the fans they bought, poor quality masks, why do we think they will bring us the vaccine?” He pointed out to reporters.president Medical College of Honduras (CMH), Suyapa Figueroa.

He noted that doctors do not believe that “this Looters government will do something for the people or the health sector, indeed this is a government of criminals, we believe absolutely nothing. “

Figueroa participated today, along with other doctors, in a sit-in convened by the CMH near the mobile hospital operating in Tegucigalpa, the acquisition of which, he said, is “an ongoing scam” against the Honduran people.

The Honduran government bought seven mobile hospitals in Turkey between March and April 2020, at a cost of $ 47.4 million, but so far only two operate, one in Tegucigalpa and the other in San Pedro Sula, in the north of the country.

The remaining five hospitals will serve hospitals in the nation’s southern, eastern, western and Caribbean regions, although it is not known when.

According to CMH, the National Anticorruption Council (CNA) and the Association for a Fairer Society (ASJ), in the acquisition of the seven hospital units, which apparently arrived with defects and used and expired devices, there was corruption.

Working in mobile hospitals means “signing the death”

“Given the incapacity of those dealing with the situation (by pandemic), I believe that there are no legitimate guarantees of care in health centers and, if they want to force people to work on these boxes, these containers (mobile hospitals), then people are not willing to work because they know what it is to sign death them, ”Figueroa stressed.

He assured that working in mobile hospitals “is to ensure that they will get the infection because they are not used to treating patients with covid-19“.

In recent weeks, Honduras has seen a high incidence of coronavirus infections and deaths, killing at least 72 doctors and about 40 nurses.

Doctors also demanded the “departure” of Honduran Health Minister Alba Consuelo Flores and members of the Multisectoral table considering that it “validates the acts of the government” and, in addition, “they represent only the interests of the privileged sectors and groups”.

Figueroa recalled the “constitutional responsibility” of the state to guarantee the vaccine against covid-19 to the entire population.

“Hondurans must stand up and be with us asking for vaccines, otherwise we will die without anything happening here, unless international bodies come, support and watch violation of human rights this is happening in the country “, underlined the president of CMH.

Pandemic out of control

“The epidemic is out of control, the measures taken by the Government are not correct, on the contrary, they go against what science dictates that it is right to be done in an epidemic,” said Balbino Cárcamo, one of the doctors who participated in sitting in front of the West Hospital.

He denounced that hospitals do not have “adequate equipment” for patient care and “much less for the protection of medical staff”.

“The government has shamelessly brought us to the vaccine issue” against covid-19, said the specialist, who regretted that candidates for popularly elected positions continue to call for proselytizing activities in the context of the health emergency.

Cárcamo called politicians who call their activists to political rallies “irresponsible” because of the risk of becoming infected with it. SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, causing covid-19.

The specialist recalled that his partner Karen Tábora, also a doctor, lost her life this Friday in Tegucigalpa after becoming infected with the coronavirus.
