“Homeland or death for life” exceeds 50,000 dislikes just 48 hours after its premiere

| 03/03/2021 – 15:59 (GMT-4)

The song Homeland or death for life, official answer to the problem Homeland and life with Raúl Torres at the helm, it exceeded 50,000 does not like (I don’t like it) on YouTube just 48 hours after launch.

From the first minutes of release, the song received a majority rejection on social networks and on the official media channel Cubadebate, with a lot of does not like They grew at full speed and most of the comments were negative.

Poor video billing, lyrics, renditions, and the government’s response to a song have generated memes, ridicule, criticism, and confusion.

Cubadebate video / YouTube capture

If the government’s disproportionate reaction to a song, carrying out a campaign of discredit and attacks on artists, has left the regime quite exposed and poorly maintained internationally, this song of forced response and its thunderous rejection speak for themselves.

Apart from politics, the song received an avalanche of criticism from a musical and interpretive point of view, even from people and artists who sympathize with the government.

Despite the demands of Raúl Torres himself and the support of the official press, the song managed to reach only 4000 likes.

Torres, who earned the nickname “necrotrovador” for his songs after the deaths of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez, turned to his well-known vulgar and macho language to defend himself against the criticism and overwhelming rejection of his song.

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