Hogwarts legacy delayed until 2022

Illustration for the article entitled iHogwarts Legacy / i delayed until 2022

Print Screen: WB Games

The future open world of WB Games Harry Potter game The Hogwarts legacy was pushed back to 2022. It was originally scheduled to arrive on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC sometime this year.

“Creating the best possible experience for all Wizarding World and game fans is paramount for us, so we give the game the time it needs,” official statement read.

The Hogwarts legacy was first announced in September last year as the next project in Disney Infinity Avalanche Software developer. It is set in the witching world of the 1800s, giving players the chance to guide a student at Hogwarts through an original story long before Mr. Potter takes the stage.

Months before Hogwarts legacy was officially revealed, Bloomberg reported that the developers were worried about Rowling’s connection to the project due to her very public and pernicious transphobia. The revelation of the game was immediately met with controversy for the same reasons, which led to WB Games moves away from the author.

WB Games President David Haddad later said Rowling was “Entitled to express her personal opinion.”
