HIIT exercise to lose weight and burn fat in 30 minutes

HIIT or high intensity training The interval is one of the exercises that helps you the most to burn fat and lose weight in a short time. It consists, as its name suggests, in subjecting your body to intense training and combining several repetitions of cardio and strength exercises in different sets. Generally, the series is completed by performing between 15 and 20 repetitions of three different exercises and resting for 1 minute between sets.

As explained by virtual training coach Borja Presol (@ borja.entrenavirtual.es), HIIT aims to increase heart rate and burn calories not only during the course / training, but also remains 2 hours after training.

“It simply came to our notice then hard workout, but very enjoyable as time passes very quickly due to the type of structure with short breaks “, says the expert.

Generally, they consist of blocks of 3 exercises that combine cardio with the upper body and lower body. There are classes that are taught with and without material, depending on the day and the part of the planning we are in.

“There is no rest between exercises, we want the pulses to reach the moon. However, after a series there is a long rest to help the body reset as much as possible and decrease the pulsations,” continues the personal trainer.

Before starting this HIIT circuit, warm up full body To avoid injury with light neck exercises, rotate your shoulders, wrists, hips, knees and ankles.

– The 8 weight loss exercises that burn the most calories
